Carman School District #15

This school was situated along the west side of Cold Spring Road approximately 2 miles south of Monticello.  A piece of property was deeded to the school in June of 1851.  It operated for 100 years until its closure in 1951.  The building no longer stands, but its memories live on through the photographs below;



                                                                           VERA BARBER BERNHARDT 1930-2018
On behalf of our committee we want to express our sincere thanks to Vera for providing information on her school that simply was not available without her. Growing up on Coldspring Road, within seeing distance of the school, she remained in Monticello all her life. The historic marker shown above includes the closing date and the last teacher’s name only because she knew them and was willing to take the time and write a letter for our committee that was critical to our research. In addition she provided pictures and spent considerable time to make sure we had the correct captioning information of the places, dates, and spelling of everyone’s name.  We are saddened that she did not get to see the recent plaque unveiling, as shown above, but believe that it would have brought a big smile to her face.  THANK YOU VERA…..